Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

[S123.Ebook] PDF Download Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

PDF Download Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

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Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

PDF Download Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

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Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor

Abandoned pregnant and penniless on the teeming streets of London, 16-year-old Amber St. Clare manages, by using her wits, beauty, and courage, to climb to the highest position a woman could achieve in Restoration England-that of favorite mistress of the Merry Monarch, Charles II. From whores and highwaymen to courtiers and noblemen, from events such as the Great Plague and the Fire of London to the intimate passions of ordinary-and extraordinary-men and women, Amber experiences it all. But throughout her trials and escapades, she remains, in her heart, true to the one man she really loves, the one man she can never have. Frequently compared to Gone with the Wind, Forever Amber is the other great historical romance, outselling every other American novel of the 1940s-despite being banned in Boston for its sheer sexiness. A book to read and reread, this edition brings back to print an unforgettable romance and a timeless masterpiece.

  • Sales Rank: #2201792 in Books
  • Published on: 1944
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 972 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Read it the first time for curiosity; the second time for fun.
By Ga303
I was curious about the notoriously banned book from the '40s, so decided to see what all the hoopla was about. It's really a shame that "Forever Amber" has fallen off the radar, so to speak, in the ensuing decades, because I found it absolutely unputdownable.

I'm not a fan of the "bodice ripper" genre, nor do I think this necessarily fits into that genre, which I usually find to be pretty light on actual historical detail. The historical detail and context in "Forever Amber" is incredibly impressive, and Kathleen Winsor really does recreate this world and the vibrant, licentious pageant that was the reign of Charles II. The descriptions are luscious, and if you're a fan of costume details, this is the equivalent of word crack.

The character of Amber is unapologetically self-serving, tunnel-visioned and maybe not the brightest tool in the shed, but watching her preen and sleep her way through adventure after Restoration adventure is absolutely absorbing, whether you like her or not. We get the court of Charles II, the Plague, the Great Fire, the awakenings of the American Colonies ... everything that makes this era such a compelling and entertaining setting.

Like some other reviewers, I probably could have done without the interwoven chapters dealing with Lady Castlemaine, the king's brother and sister, or this or that scheming duke or nobleman -- I felt myself wanting to hurry through these just to get back to the Amber-centric chapters, which are fortunately the overwhelming majority of the book, and more chances to sit there thinking, "Oh, no, she DIDN'T!"

There's no graphic sex -- that could never have passed muster in the 1940s -- but much is implied. If you're put off by loose morals and loose sexual attitudes, this isn't the book for you. (And the court of Charles II probably isn't the place for you.)

It's too bad there's only been one film version -- and that the one film version was made in an era of cinema in which a huge majority of the events and context of the book had to be left out for the movie to even pass the censors, resulting in a very watered-down adaptation that might more appropriately have been billed as "based on characters created by Kathleen Winsor" as opposed to an actual film treatment of "Forever Amber." I would love to see it remade in today's day and age, without the censorship that kept the book from being faithfully filmed in the 1940s. It would make a glorious cable series.

All in all, I entirely enjoyed it, have read it more than once for pure entertainment's sake, and have recommended it to others.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Saga of a "Rags to Riches" Harlot During the Restoration Period
By Raccoon Feeder
This novel was a descriptive telling of an era of decadence which resulted from the strict past rule of Oliver Cromwell. The titled character Amber was used effectively as a tool to describe the ruling classes' extravagances and often times the horrors during the reign of Charles the II.
"Forever Amber" did not (for me) have the classical brilliance of "GWTW" nor the large cast of characters with in depth personalities. Amber was lacking in redeeming qualities to emotionally involve this reader in her various exploits. Having said that, however, this book should be judged on its own merits. The various story lines compelled me to join Amber on her many exciting journeys, too many to count, but here's a few: debtors' prison, the plague, the Great Fire of London,many unwanted pregnancies, mistress to the king and the never ending love interest On Her Part for Bruce.
The 900 plus page book did move very quickly as you are driven to read about her next adventure as it were. There are also the added bonuses of the various relationships between the royal members. Also, the political conniving of the Duke of Buckingham adds an extra flavor to the story. As many other reviewers have said, there is little or no sympathy for the title character. While it was interesting to read about all the affairs, decadence and lavishness of the rich, it did get overbearing at times.
For a novel of this length, it was an amazingly quick read compelling the reader to plough ahead. For this reader, there just wasn't enough payback after a 900 plus page read to have an unsatisfying ending ...SLIGHT SPOILER ...unless... the boat with her in it sunk! That being said, the book had very little parts that dragged. As you continue to tear through these pages it isn't long before the discovery sets in that the disposition of the main character will unfortunately ALWAYS REMAIN "FOREVER AMBER".

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
just like Scarlett in Gone with the Wind
By Vanessa Buckingham, author of Evansescere: Origins
I purchased this book a while back and when I finally read it I was upset with myself for not reading it sooner. Kathleen brings a world long since gone back to life if just for an instant. I pitied Amber from birth never knowing her past, yet to become a powerful woman in the king's court. Everything Amber did was not just out of ambition but for survival in a world where the life span was short and beyond our control. Amber was a different type of girl/woman for her time, she was ahead of her time, just like Scarlett in Gone with the Wind. Can we really blame them for wanting more out of life?

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